dry eye
Normally, the eye is constantly lubricating with tears. Tears are a layer of liquid that covers, nourishes, protects, and lubricates the ocular surface. These tears are produced at a slow and steady rate. However, normal tears and crying tears have different compositions, but both clean eye’s impurities. The tear film is made up of three layers:
Inner Mucous or Mucin Layer
Coats the cornea and helps the tear film to adhere to the eye. Produced by the goblet cells of the conjunctiva.
Middle Watery or Lacrimal Layer
Provides moisture and supplies important nutrients to the surface of the eye. It is produced by the lacrimal gland.
Outer Oil or Lipid Layer
Produced by the Meibomian glands, this layer prevents evaporation.
Dry eyes are caused when the tears production reduces. You can consult our ophthalmologist for dry eyes treatment in Lucknow if you have the following complaints.
Stinging or burning eyes
Stringy mucus in or around the eyes
Excessive eye irritation from smoke or wind
Excess tearing (reflex tearing due to irritation)
Discomfort when wearing contact lenses
Age-Tear production decrease with age
Gender– Women are more commonly affected than men, especially after menopause, because of hormonal changes.
Environmental conditions/ exposure– Environmental pollution, dust, wind, and dry climates contribute to dryness in the eyes.
Other Eye Conditions– Such as Meibomitis or Blepharitis may lead to both deteriorations of tears quantity and quality.
Prolonged Screen time– Staring continuously at the computer monitor results in computer syndrome, causing a reduction of the normal blinking rate causing the tear film on the surface of the eyes to evaporate. It causes prickly sensations requiring computer syndrome treatment in Lucknow.
Air conditioners- Air conditioning in the room may cause dehumidification, triggering dry eyes.
Contact lenses -Prolonged use of contact lenses eventually causes dry eyes.
Drugs– A wide variety of drugs like antihypertensive (for blood pressure), antihistaminic (for cold), antacids (for acidity), and anti-depressants can cause a drop in tear production. In addition, preservatives in certain eye drops can also lead to dry eyes when used over a long time.
Eye drops called artificial tears, which are similar in composition to our tears, are prescribed as a replacement.
When tear supplements are used for a long time, it is better to use eye drops without preservatives. Since these drops do not have any significant side effects, they can be used frequently depending on their symptoms.
Recently cyclosporine eye drops have been advocated for increasing basic tear production.
People with dry eyes should maintain good lid hygiene with scrubbing and warm compresses. They should avoid anything that causes dryness like overly warm rooms, hairdryers, wind, and smoking. Wrap-around glasses may be helpful.
In severe cases, surgical options may be considered. This is in the form of punctual plugs, which block the tear drainage and increase the tears in the eyes. They may be temporary or permanent, done with a simple procedure under eye drop anesthesia.
Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a temporary condition resulting from focusing the eyes on a computer display for protracted, uninterrupted periods. Some symptoms of CVS include headaches, blurred vision, neck pain, redness in the eyes, fatigue, eye strain, dry eyes, irritated eyes, double vision, polyopia, and difficulty refocusing the eyes. These symptoms can further be aggravated by improper lighting conditions (i.e., glare or bright overhead lighting) or air moving past the eyes (e.g., overhead vents, direct air from a fan).
Ensure the room is well lit
Use a proper chair with back and neck support
Do not face the AC blow directly
The monitor should be at a lower level than the eyes
Take a break after every 30 minutes and try to look outside the window, as far as possible
Use anti-reflective coating on the screen or spectacles
Blink more frequently to break the stare
Warm compresses are helpful
Use lubricating or moisturizing eye drops for more comfort
Typically, the above tips effectively eliminate dry eyes; however, if you do not observe considerable improvement, consider visiting a doctor for dry eye treatment at Klarity Eye Care, Lucknow.
Klarity Eye Care provides comprehensive dry eye treatment in Lucknow. Our doctors invest quality time in understanding the nuances of eye conditions to recommend an effective treatment to them. Though dry eyes are not a huge issue, if untreated for a long time, they may cause eye complications such as increased pressure, vision problems, inflammation of the eye’s blood vessels, etc. Therefore, book an appointment with Klarity Eye Care for a diagnosis-based, proper, and sustainable eye treatment.